The world is experiencing one of the most challenging situations in contemporary history, a global pandemic outbreak, never seen before. This pandemic has come to challenge all sectors of economic activity, and it is one of the hardest tests that some entrepreneurs are experiencing. Despite this scenario, which could discourage entrepreneurs and researchers, we continue to work daily on our KABADA tool.

Why? Because starting a new business is always a challenging process, but today it is an authentic act of audacity and faith. At this time, start-ups need even more tools to help them thrive and achieve the success they so badly need to achieve their goals and expected profit. Thus, it will be important to understand what is behind the success stories so the idea that identifying the success factors and developing methodologies and tools that allow start-ups to think and model their business is now even more essential.

The KABADA tool aims to meet this need by providing new information to support and evaluate the business idea from success stories. In the construction of the tool, an analysis by NACE (the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community) was carried out in two phases. First, industries were analyzed by NACE (the Eurostat’s Structural Business Statistics – SBS – indicators) were identified that were not included in the ‘fit for all industries’ standard, but that should be included.

Then links/documents/reports databases, organizations were surveyed and added as information of “further reading” to the user. As the KABADA tool will be used in several countries, and each country has different characteristics both in terms of economic performance and legislation, tax system, among others, it is important that the tool enables the choice of the country to do business with, and provides information about that country, for example: business ecosystem, environment or national legislation on the business area, which will appear in an information box. This will provide useful information so that young entrepreneurs can better make the necessary decisions.