CSCS - Centro Studi Cultura Sviluppo 

Description: From 1995, CSCS plays as a European leading not-for-profit organization in the TVET sector, providing subsidiarity services for training and research, labour market improvement and pedagogic innovation, as well as transnational cooperation. 

Located is in the hearth of Tuscany, CSCS is accredited as a TVET centre by the Regional Government. At local level, it is engaged in receiving and training several transnational mobility learners. It is an official partner of the UNESCO Transdisciplinary Chair on “Human Development and Culture of Peace” of the University of Florence and for the whole national territory, has received in 2014, by the Italian Ministry of Labour, the licence reserved to the not-for-profit organizations, to facilitate the matching process between labour demand and supply. 

At European level, CSCS has carried out several project experiences in the TVET field and starting from 2009, it is officially appointed by the European Commission as a Lead Intermediary Organisation of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs network. Extending outside of the EU borders dimension, CSCS is the founder and coordinator of, the worldwide network addressed to introduce skills, competences and innovative curricula for the advanced manufacturing sector within the VET pathways, under a model of intervention that includes sustainability and ethical values. The network was started in 2015 and is currently composed by nearly 300 organisations in 48 countries worldwide.

Country: Italy

Venue: Pistoia,  Via Niccolo Puccini, 8 

