University of Applied Sciences – VIKO
Description: Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences (VIKO) is the largest accredited higher professional education institution in Lithuania. It provides higher professional education in the sectors of Tourism, Business, Information Technologies, Electronics, Pedagogical Education, Economy, Health Care, Agriculture and Arts.
Founded in 2000, now VIKO has around 6700 students, who study here under 49 study programmes in 7 faculties: Electronics and Informatics, Economics, Business Management, Health Care, Pedagogic, Arts and Creative Technologies and Agro technologies.
VIKO seeks to equip study process with modern training technologies via participation in international projects and cooperation with organizations and enterprises. VIKO participates and organize various seminars, organize scientific international conferences, international lecturing weeks for guest lecturers from partner universities, higher education institutions and enterprises.
Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences is the member of EURASHE, SPACE, ENPHE, UASNET, CDIO, ECLAS, COMENIUS, VETNNET international associations.
Country: Lithuania
Venue: Vilnius, J. Jasinskio str. 15