Show all Uncategorized Meeting News Progress Dissemination Travel Focus Interview Webinars MeetingNewsDisseminationWebinars January 20, 2023WEBINAR: Create your free business plan now with Kabada UncategorizedMeetingNewsDisseminationWebinars January 10, 2023Webinar invitation: “Create your free business plan now with Kabada” MeetingNewsDissemination November 10, 2022Validation of the Kabada prototype: Entrepreneurship Workshops open to the IPS Community MeetingNewsDisseminationWebinars October 5, 2022WEBINAR: KABADA, your business pal: how the tool is disrupting Young Entrepreneurship in the digital age MeetingNews June 8, 2022KABADA session @ ASBBMC22 – HIGHLIGHTS MeetingNews June 1, 2022KABADA session @ ASBBMC22 – Programme