Around the world most of the big companies born as start-ups. These start-ups that grow and become global are a minority. However due to their innovative performance these start-ups become valued at billions of euros in stock markets. These success cases must be replicated and able the other start-ups to overcome some difficulties mainly in the first times. In this perspective, methodologies, and tools that able start-ups to thinking and modeling the business come as essential to support them.

A study published by PwC European (2018) based on a start-up survey provides some insights into the European entrepreneurial ecosystem, which allows an interesting diagnostic. In summary, it’s possible to highlight some facts:

  • The challenges for the future development of the company, are mainly related to customer acquisition & sales (23,3%);
  • The threats for the future development of the company, are essentially competition (19,6%) and rapid changes in market condition (13,3%)
  • The motivation to start own business is related to following an interest/passion (16,7%)
  • The source of funding for the company is predominantly self-financing (66,5%).

In this context, projects such as KABADA (Knowledge Alliance of Business idea Assessment: Digital Approach) allows providing to the start-up new tools to support and evaluate the business idea. As we know “start walking” could be a huge challenge!


Luísa Carvalho | IPS – Coordinator