Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal

Description: Created in 1979, IPS is a public HEI seeking to contribute to the development of society, in general, and of the Setúbal region, in particular, through tertiary training activities, research and services provision, contributing to the creation, development, dissemination and transfer of knowledge, as well as the promotion of science and culture. 

With more than 6500 students and employing nearly 800 staff, offers 1st and 2nd cycle degree programs, post-secondary training and post-graduation. IPS comprises 5 Schools (Education, Technology, Business & Administration and Health). IPS integrates R&D, as well as knowledge/technology transfer as part of its action, supporting training activities and providing consulting, research and auditing services. 

IPS has an innovation, R&D and entrepreneurship support office that fully assists researchers, entrepreneurs, students and the community in their activities/projects. IPS is also strongly committed with the establishment of international partnerships, with an international office supports international cooperation. In what refers to projects, IPS is presently involved in several international ones, namely under Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020.

IPS is a member of the Poliempreende national network that comprises 21 HEIs involved in a national business ideas competition. Since 2015, IPS runs a Business Incubator supporting more than 20 projects and it’s currently certified for several national vouchers for supporting entrepreneurship.

Country: Portugal

Venue: Setúbal, Campus do IPS Estefanilha 2910-761 

Website: http://www.si.ips.pt/ips_si/web_page.inicial

Contact: mariana.pereira@ess.ips.pt